Call for Paper (pdf) Pervasive computing middleware inherits general tasks of traditional middleware in distributed systems such as coordination, communication, security and tolerance for component failures and disconnections. In general, context-aware middleware lies on top of the operating system of mobile phones, PDAs, personal computers, servers, laptops, and other computational devices of the environment to firstly discover and register context sources, and then perform gathering, aggregating, assessing quality of context, modeling and reasoning, and finally create transparent dissemination mechanisms to distribute pure contextual information among interested applications while protecting privacy of users. PerCAM 13 invites authors to submit their original papers that address issues related to middleware for pervasive computing. Topics of interest are included but not limited to:
Submission PerCAM 13 seeks original, previously unpublished manuscripts, describing research in all aspects of middleware for pervasive computing that contribute to the workshop theme. It is possible to present systems at PerCAM that have not been fully built or evaluated. The goal of this workshop is to foster the research community working on pervasive systems. In general PerCAM13 accepts three types of submissions:
All Papers must be submitted electronically via the following link: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=15135 All papers will be peer reviewed, and acceptance will be based on quality, relevance and originality. Papers for publication should be formatted according to the Springer conference paper template. All the materials related to Springer conference paper templates can be found in the author’s instruction page. Accepted papers will be published by Springer under their Communications in Computer and Information Science. Best accepted papers , after further revision will be considered for publication in the special issue on "Pervasive and Context-Aware Middleware" of the "Elsevier Computers & Electrical Engineering journal" (IF=0.928) . For additional information, feel free to contact the PerCAM 13 organizing committee at info@percam.org
Important Dates Paper submission (Extended) September 1, 2013 Notification of acceptance (Submitted after August 1) September 20, 2013 Final camera ready & Registration October 10, 2013 Workshop date December 3, 2013