Workshop Program (pdf)
Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013
08:30 |
Registration(Room B0.02) |
09:00 |
Context Modeling and Reasoning (Room B0.04)
09:00 Modeling Context-Awareness in a Pervasive
Computing Middleware using Ontologies and Data Quality Profile
Sandra Rodríguez-Valenzuela, Juan A.
Holgado-Terriza, Plamen Petkov, Markus Helfert
Applying Semantic Web Technologies to Context Modeling in
Ambient Intelligence
Alexandru Sorici, Olivier Boissier, Gauthier
Picard, and Antoine Zimmermann
10:00 Modeling the Urban Context
through the Theory of Roles
Claudia Liliana Zuniga Canon
and Juan Carlos Burguillo Rial |
10:30 |
Context-aware systems (Room B0.04)
10:30 Fiware infrastructure for smart home applications
Alia Bellabas, Fano Ramparany, Marylin Arndt
11:00 An Open Architecture to Enhance Pervasiveness and Mobility
of Health Care Services
Ivan Corredor, Paula Tarro, Ana M. Bernardos, and Jose R. Casar
11:30 Proximates – A Social Context Engine
Hakan Jonsson and Pierre Nugues
12:00 Context-Aware Systems and Adaptive User Authentication
Kimmo Halunen and Antti Evesti |
12:30 |
Lunch (UCD Main Restaurant) |
Context-aware Applications (Room B0.04)
14:00 An Ontology-Based Context-aware Mobile System for On
the-Move Tourists
Saleh Alhazbi, Linah Lotfi, Rahma Ali, Reem Suwailih
14:30 Ubiquitous Applications Over Networked Femtocell
Hajer Berhouma, Aicha Ben Salem, Kaouthar Sethom
15:00 Perspectives and application of OUI Framework with SMaG
Interaction Model
Sara Nabil, and Atef Ghalwash |
18:00 |
Reception (UCD O’Brien Centre for Science Atrium)
List of Accepted Papers
Full Papers
Raval, Qualitative and Quantitative Features for MANET Performance
Under Geographic Routing Protocol
Alexandru Sorici, Olivier Boissier, Gauthier Picard, Antoine
Zimmermann, Applying Semantic Web Technologies to Context Modeling
in Ambient Intelligence
Corredor, Paula Tarrío, Ana M. Bernardos, Jose R Casar, An Open
Architecture to Enhance Pervasiveness and Mobility of Health Care
Claudia Liliana Zuñiga Cañon, Juan C. Burguillo, Modeling the Urban
Context through the Theory of Roles
Suresh Kulkarni, Basant Verma, Implementation of Translation
algorithm to generate UML diagrams from Database Modeling
Abdelkader Dekdouk, A Mobile-Based Automation System for Maintenance
Inspection and Lifesaving Support in an ICT College Building
Rodríguez-Valenzuela, Juan Antonio Holgado-Terriza, Plamen Petkov,
Markus Helfert, Modeling Context-Awareness in a Pervasive Computing
Middleware using Ontologies and Data Quality Profiles
Jonsson, Pierre Nugues, Proximates - A Social Context Engine
Halunen, Antti Evesti, Context-Aware Systems and Adaptive User
mohammed fethi, Toward a Generic infrastructure for Ubiquitous
Naveed, Online Learning Based Contextual Model for Mobility
Short Papers
Saleh M. Alhazbi,
Linah Lotfi, Rahma Ali, Reem Suwailih, An Ontology-Based
Context-aware Mobile System for On-the-Move Tourists
Bellabas Alia,
Marylin Arndt - Vincent, Fano Ramparany, New service infrastructure
for smart IoT applications
Ali Yavari, Towards a
Light Control Middleware for a Context-aware, Efficient and Smart
Sara Nabil, Atef
Ghalwash, Perspectives and application of OUI Framework with SMaG
Interaction Model
Hajer Berhouma,
Kaouthar Sethom, Ubiquitous applications over networked Femtocell