
Technical Comittee

Call for Paper





About Dublin

Past PerCAM Workshops




Registration for PerCAM-2013 is organized through University College Dublin. To register for the event, please follow the link below.

Online Event Registration Service

NOTE: Upon advice, it is only possible for Visa letters to be issued to individuals for whom a workshop registration has been processed.  Once you have completed the registration process please contact Jacinta Kennedy to request a Visa letter.  If there are issues regarding payment please contact Tadhg O'Sullivan.

Registration fees are as follows:

Registration Type Early Rate (by Oct 11) Late / On Site Rate
Student Registration €300 €375
Non-student Registration €475 €600


Registration fee includes attendance at the main conference (AmI-2013) and any of the workshops, together with conference social event. 

Authors should complete the copyright form and send a scanned version to chairs@percam.org The correct copyright form may be found here:

Accepted papers for publication should be registered by at least one (co)author and be formatted according to the Springer conference paper template.
Best accepted and presented papers , after further revision will be invited for publication in the special issue on "Pervasive and Context-Aware Middleware" of the "Elsevier Computers & Electrical Engineering journal" (IF=0.928) .

We eagerly look forward to your presence at PerCAM-2013 in Dublin.